Welcome to the Kiwi Art House Gallery's May Newsletter
This month
Vincent Duncan's exhibition Transformations and Colourful Visions continues
Coming up, an exhibition by Wellington surrealist Bruce Luxford
New Art including a collection of small landscapes from Sam Earp
Vincent Duncan - Transformations and Colourful Visions
Vincent Duncan's exhibition is on now. This is the first time his new style, that can best be described as a form of psychedelic art, has been exhibited, with seven 1metre square pieces depicting Wellington scenes.
Vincent's new work is fun humorous and happy. Call in to see the show or if you can't make it, the exhibition is online in the Current Exhibition page
Bruce Luxford - Wellington Surrealist
To coincide with Te Papa's Surrealism exhibition the Gallery's next exhibition in June will be a retrospective for Bruce Luxford, one of New Zealand's true surrealist artists.
From his studio gallery in Seatoun Bruce has for the last fifteen years been painting surrealism art usually with a focus on topical events. Look out for an email with exhibition details soon.
New Art
Highlighting the new art this month are two new works from Heimler and Proc and a collection of small landscapes from Sam Earp
From Heimler and Proc a large feature piece from their 2019 series 'Gauguin in Aotearoa' that was on show in Auckland and hasn't yet been seen in Wellington and a new small teaser piece for their upcoming 2021 exhibition'Free as a Bird' The theme for this year's series is humans as a part of the animal world, featuring native NZ birds and humans in a natural state as together representative of the species who call Aotearoa home. In keeping with the theme, in August the exhibition opening of 'Free as a Bird' will be held on a weekend afternoon at the Wellington Naturist Club in Upper Hutt. and coincide with their Open Day. You'll be able to come out to see the Naturist Club's large grounds and facilities and take part in the exhibition opening.
Sam Earp's collection is a mix of small framed and unframed South Island landscapes plus scenes from his new home in Northland and a Wellington Owhiro Bay. The feature piece is Northland's 'Taupo Bay' painted with the beautiful use of light that marks Sam's art.
You'll find these and other recent art in the New Art page
Please click on the images below to go to the painting
'Breakfast in the Pohutukawa Garden' - Heimler and Proc
1500mm x 1000mm
'Lady Kakariki' by Heimler and Proc
500mm x 400mm
Sam Earp's small painting collection
'In the Garden' by Peter Augustin
960mm x 640mm
'Kapiti Island' by Graham Moeller
500mm x 750mm
'Taupo Bay' by Sam Earp
300mm x 620mm
Thanks and I hope to see you soon in the Gallery for a look at the new art and Vincent Duncan's exhibition.